Jun 13, 2022Liked by Bülent Duagi

Interesant! Citeam asta:

"Where most existing approaches look at other players in the market, or the position that you want to attain, Patterns of Strategy focuses on key relationships between you and other actors, and acts to change those, to make them more advantageous for you. It gives a much richer way to explore strategic options at the strategy development stage, and it generates a very precise implementation plan to inform the execution stage, as well as metrics which can be used to measure the effectiveness of the deployed strategy. It’s a very different paradigm of what strategy is, and how it’s defined, and so it also drives and enables a different paradigm for managing its execution. We define strategy as: Changing our fit with the environment to our advantage by differential use of power and time "

si ma gandeam la observatia pe care am citit-o pe undeva ca 'strategie' inseamna, intai, 'optiuni strategice' - si in sensul asta cred ca intuiesc unghiul propus aici. Provocator subiect, urmaresc articolele!

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